Walk on Water and Enjoy This Sunset

Photographer James Cameron gives us this really cool perspective.  You’re standing on “The Wall” at Waikiki which puts you a few hundred yards offshore while you enjoy this incredible sunset feast of colors.  Waikiki is on your right, surfers to your left, a crazy good sunset in front, and all the while it feels like you’re in the middle of the ocean. Enjoy!


Big Mahalo to Cameron Brooks

James is building his photography business and has graciously shared his works with us. Support him by browsing and buying his work at his website: Cameron Brooks Photography. Mahalo Cameron!


Do you have favorite Hawaii photos that others would enjoy? Share them!

The very best photos of Hawaii are those taken by folks that do not consider themselves professionals because to me it shows that this beauty of Hawaii is within reach of everyone.  If you have any treasured  Hawaii photos that you would like to share, I’d love to publish them!

Just fill out this form we’ll get the process started!