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Living in Hawaii: Can you afford it and is it worth it?

Despite the high expenses, is Hawaii worth it? Some people take decades to realize the answer. I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I came up with something that’s deep and significant that came to me after decades of living here. Hope you enjoy it!

You asked:

“What is the real cost comparisons between living on the main land and living in Hawaii Transportation, utilities, insurance, food, dining out, entertainment. I would like to know if it is more expensive, and if so how much and in your opinion what offsets the cost and makes it worth the extra money”

Watch this short YouTube for the answer and check out this Q&A playlist for lots of other answers.

Got a question I haven’t already answered? Send me yours in this form and I might answer it on YouTube!


Selected Comments from the YouTube video:

I picked a few that I thought really illustrated the difference between the two choices – materialistic and spiritualistic:

Great example of the spiritualistic view from campindave1:

I lived on Oahu from February of 1988 until July of 1996. I was stationed there with the Army for about half that time, and married to a local girl from about 1990 until I left in 96. I worked at Sports Authority on Ward Avenue after leaving the military and lived in a studio apartment on Namahana street off Kuhio Avenue and rode a bike to work everyday. I have been back to Oahu on vacation with my current wife 3 times, the most recent trip being in October of 2018 to see my son who is stationed there right now.

There isn’t a day that I don’t think about my life in the islands. The food, the weather, the Aloha spirit. I love your videos, but I think you are on an impossible mission. There just is no way to put into words how wonderful living in the islands is. It isn’t any one thing, and you can’t experience it by visiting for a week, or even a month on vacation. Hawaii is just -different. Yep, it costs more there, a lot more, but people live there right now, so it’s “do-able”. Like you said, you just have to decide where your priorities lie. I have a nice home with over 10 acres in the country in Southern Indiana, and my pay goes a long way, but the weather here is absolutely horrid. You have a 2 month “window” to do outside things before it becomes too hot, too rainy, or too cold. You don’t see people outside here. -Straight from the house, to the car, to walmart, or mall, or wherever. Even if you were rich here, what is the quality of life? How many “spiritual” outdoor experiences can you really have if you are hiding from the elements, and the crime, and the boredom everyday?

You have to ask yourself- what is your soul worth? I am not a religious person. I’m talking about when you are on your death bed, will you be able to say to yourself, I lived a full life. Will you be able to, or did you sit in front of the computer or tv everyday watching life go by?

The Islands are priceless. By that I mean being there is worth whatever it takes to do so. Sell all that crap you’ve accumulated. Move to the islands. Share a studio apartment with someone if you have to, eat ramen every day, ride the bus or a bike everyday like I did when I left the Army there. It is ALL worth it! You may have to make concessions, but at least you will wake up every-single-day filled with excitement for life and filled with the aloha spirit.My current wife and I are already making our “escape plan” to Oahu when I retire in 2 years and my youngest 2 children are off to college, so maybe you and I will be sitting on a bench at Ala Moana beach park someday having this very same conversation. Until then, keep “fighting the good fight” Peter.

Mahalo for your time sir.P.S. Based on my decade-long island experience, this is your best video so far for helping folks decide why or why not to make the move to the islands.
Dave K.

Great example of the spiritualistic view from Reg Leg Outdoors:

This one is interesting because clearly he’s not a materialist but at the same time does not place a high value on the spiritual:

For most, it’s not worth it. I agree, living with less is a good thing, but there’s a difference between that and deprivation. Paradise isn’t paradise if you are just one thing away from getting behind in a bill.

I don’t care who you are, you aren’t getting ahead in Hawaii. You’re just surviving. That’s not living.

I’m not materiistic anymore. Paid off cars. No credit cards. We are debt free and our home will be paid off soon. We could afford to cut half our Income and move to Hawaii……but for what? To just survive? Just to see the ocean and some Mountains? most of the mainland you can get ahead. You can live comfortably. You can travel wherever even international and not worry about money. Ever. Even on a moderate to lower income.

If you don’t own your own business, or make 80k or more, or have a few hundred thousand in the bank, don’t move to Hawaii. Just don’t do it. You will become homeless or be working two or three jobs and burn out. 80k a year on the mainland is 40-50k in Hawaii. Be happy wherever you are. Live simple wherever you are. Live with less wherever you are…You cannot run from yourself or your life to be happy. Hawaii is pretty , ……but it’s just a place. So many other great and gorgeous places in America where deprivation isnt a necessity

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