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We found teaching jobs on Oahu. Should we move?

Honolulu from Punchbowl by Kyle Hasegawa is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Image may have been resized or cropped from original

The email I received below is exactly why I created the Can I live in Hawaii? quiz. There are many factors which will affect your time here and that quiz covers the big issues. That said, I felt this email would be helpful for others to read and my responses are in-line:

Me and my wife have recently received teaching jobs in Oahu.


We have a son that is 6 years old. Our salary schedule says we will both be making $53,611 (which is $107,222 combined household income).

That’s at least enough to keep your head above water but surprisingly, it will be just barely. Still, it’s enough to get started with for sure and if you do well, you’ll make more over time.

I know with taxes and fees there will be a huge amount taken out of our paychecks. With rent costing around 1600-1800 plus all other expenses, will we be okay to live in Oahu?

I think on a financial basis, you’re OK.  Hawaii is about more than the money, though. There are many aspects which will affect how you fit in. Take the “Can I live in Hawaii? quiz and let us know what your score is!

I don’t want to put my family in a bind, but we are so ready to move to Hawaii.

It’s a big move for sure. Your son will be in first grade so your really big decision will be what kind of school he attends. You being teachers will be very interesting and I wonder what you will decide on. If you choose public school, then you’ll really have to be mindful of the neighborhood you live in or apply for what’s called a “District Exception” which will allow your son to attend a school out of your district.

Good luck and keep us posted on how things turn out!

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