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Our site content changes during the COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak

Photo by Tyler Lastovich from Pexels

I’ve made it my mission to develop content you care about every week, alternating between video and website and I’m committed to that to the best of my ability.

The content has to reflect the current times

Right now this COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak is understandably on top of everyone’s mind.  It would be both foolish and incredibly tone-deaf to pretend as if this crisis doesn’t exist and continue with our regularly scheduled programming. I’ve thought about this a lot and simply can’t do it. 

I also can’t make this website exclusively about the COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak, either. So in thinking about how to go forward during these times, these are my current plans:

Give you a little break from the craziness for a moment of beauty of Hawaii during the COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak

If you’re practicing isolation, there’s probably a lot of doom and gloom going on and that’s the last thing I’m going to add to.  So instead I’m going to feature a beautiful photo of Hawaii and perhaps a short bit of commentary about that photo. I’ll do my best to pick photos that have resolution high enough so that you can download and make it part of your screen saver to give you a little bit of comfort in these times.

So content-wise, there will be a shift from in-depth insights on life in Hawaii to something simple like an “ooh-ahh” moment. We’ll resume the in-depth stuff after crisis passes.

Publish regular updates on how COVID-19 Corona Virus is affecting Hawaii

One of my “hobbies” is to mess around with spreadsheets and create graphs and charts.  This has now transformed into something of a mild OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) with capturing and publishing COVID-19 Corona Virus growth in Hawaii.  I’ll be publishing updates practically every day and will feature them from time to time.

Republish your great stories

I want to hear from you. Tell me what things are like where you live and how that makes you feel. Tell me about what this makes you think about Hawaii. I will republish select stories.

Comments and feedback, please!

A good website is always a work in progress.  These are my thoughts as of right now and I know my plans will change, but I don’t know how they will change.  That’s going to be up to you. I need your feedback and comments as the “food” to give me insights on where to steer this ship.

Please take care of yourself and your family

This COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak is the event of a lifetime.  It’s our Great Depression or World War II as in it’s an event that will stand out in our minds over everything else.  It’s going to change our world forever. It won’t be easy, but we will get through it. Pray for us all. Pray for your family, for your extended community, and for the world. As I said in my video, shift from fear to action and take care of yourselves.

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