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You asked: Is there segregation in Hawaii? MUST READ

An African-American man goes into the "colored" entrance of a movie theater in Belzoni, Mississippi, 1939. Public domain photo. Source: wikimedia

Once in a great while you get an accidental gem of an article and this is definitely one of them.  It all started with this question from one of our subscribers via our content survey:

Is there segregation in Hawaii?

So I handed this over to our local girl Aina and her article is more revealing than I think she realizes.  Remember, Aina was born and raised in Hawaii so this article gives you a rather unique view that’s hard to find elsewhere.   On the US mainland, segregation nearly always has a racial overtone and even more specifically typically refers to Black Americans (i.e. slave descendants) segregated from Whites.

But how does this influence a girl who was born and raised in a place where there is essentially no Black American culture?  How does she see the world of “segregation” in Hawaii through her eyes?  This article is worth a read on two levels:  First, it’s well-written and informative.  Second, and more importantly (to me, anyway, as a guy that was born in Chicago which has a “colorful” history of segregation) is for you to take note of what’s missing in the article from what you might expect when talking about segregation  and that will tell you more than anything else about the reality of segregation in Hawaii: it does not exist in the way it does (or did) on the US Mainland.

So now you know. That alone is worth the read.

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